David and Gray

David and Gray
© Sarah Kjelleren Photography

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Sunday, November 28, 2010

David: New York City Trip with Sarah Kjelleren

Sarah Kjelleren & myself
Minus the Thanksgiving and family festivities that have been going on the last couple of days, last Friday (11/19) till Tuesday (11/23) I was in New York City with my amazingly talented friend and photographer, Sarah Kjelleren. New York City is like a second home to me and I love going in to get away from everything going on in Vermont, but this trip was a little different. Of course many of the long time TKFV readers are probably familiar with our "Sarah Kjelleren Photo of the Week" post, have seen her work, and recognize the name in this writeup, but probably do not know that she had never been to New York City before this trip. So when the opportunity came along to bring her with me I couldn't pass it up. 

Day 1:
Brad Digital
The first day wasn't the most exciting since we were just arriving after a five and a half hour drive from Vermont, but I checked into my hotel and brought Sarah to our friend Crystal Potvin's dorm where she was staying. Right after we went down to my friend Brad Digital's store, Little Brooklyn, in SoHo located on Kenmare and Elizabeth, we got dinner at this Hispanic restaurant with him and his intern, Hannah Jade. Then followed that with a few parties, but nothing too intense. Just a simple and average day.

Day 2:
Great $cott
The second day was definitely the most eventful of them all. We started off at Brad Digital's store again and Sarah had her first photo shoot with Great $cott, CEO of The Liaison Group (link is to a good article about Great $cott and the company). I did a little shopping at Brad's store and picked up two pairs of jeans (the kinds that everyone has to stop and say, "Where did you get those?"), a t-shirt, a pair of limited Tokyo edition converses, and a reversible jacket (which Brad described as a good getaway jacket in case you shoot someone in the club). 

Afterwards I ran over to meet with the owner and two other guys from NoLabel Watches, talked business, and they hooked me up with one of their watches. Definitely a huge shout out to these guys and another look at the post I put up of them and Cavi Sports last week. Loved the vision and ideas they have in that company at the moment.
Red NoLabel Watch
While I was out with NoLabel, Brad Digital took Sarah Kjelleren, Crystal Potvin, and Hannah Jade around SoHo for a bit and ran into Ricky of Dee & Ricky.
Brad Digital & Ricky (Dee & Ricky)

Then after my NoLabel meeting was done Sarah Kjelleren, Brad Digital, and myself headed over to a Richie Rich POPLUXE (link to an article about the runway show during New York Fashion Week) event where Sarah quickly fell in love with New York City in a heartbeat.
Richie Rich
Richie was definitely a cool and relaxed guy, and he definitely wasn't afraid to pose for pictures at all haha. To be able to talk and hangout with one of the most well known stylists and designers in the industry was a lot of fun though. Sarah even got one of the POPLUXE shirts and I joked with her about how one of her first New York City photo shoots was with Richie Rich.
Leebo Freeman
Richie Rich, Brad Digital, & Myself

Day 3:
Crystal Potvin & myself
On the third day we were all tired out from Saturday night, so we decided to take this day off for the most part and do a little bit of shopping. I showed Sarah around SoHo, my favorite place in town, a little more and stopped at places like Opening Ceremony, Oak, Uniqlo, and stopped to see some of my homies Gabriel Acevedo, of the ninGa turDels, and Frendy Lemorin at the Bape store.

Day 4:
Frendy Lemorin
On our last full day in the city, Sarah and I met up with Frendy Lemorin to do a quick photo shoot (click the link to see most the photos featured on Frendy's site). It was funny because they had been planning this photo shoot for years and it finally happened just last week. For those that don't know of Frendy either, I used to work with him on his old blog, *General-Made. This dudes like an older brother to me.
Frendy Lemorin & myself
To end the day we met up with designer/stylist Ugo Mozie, trend reporter and media personality, Daver Campbell, the owners of Nous Sommes, and designers/stylists/models Coco&Breezy for dinner in Union Square.
(From Left to Right) Coco of Coco&Breezy, Me, Sarah Kjelleren, Ugo Mozie, Breezy of Coco&Breezy, and the designers from Nous Sommes (Daver Campbell wasn't in this photo)
Once again New York City has brought me another good trip and it was great to be able to experience it with none other than Sarah Kjelleren.

All photos in this post are taken by © Sarah Kjelleren


Anonymous said...

how can i live your life?..

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